1. Talk to Vladimir
Talk to Vladimir. He will tell you about a certain collector who has an artifact. He doesn't want to sell it so you have to steal it. Barret, who will be your companion in this mission, will help you with this.
2. Travel to the Scow
I need to retrieve an Artifact from Captain Petrov, who owns a salvage ship called the Scow. Vladimir suggested I might have to steal the Artifact.
Travel to Procyon A System > Procyon V-b. The ship you are looking for is in orbit of the planet.
3. Board the Scow / (Optional) Talk Your Way In / (Optional) Disable the Engines
I'm in orbit near the Scow. I can either try to talk my way on board, or open fire, disable the engines, and board by force.
Target the ship and hail it. You should try to persuade its crew to let you on board. Otherwise you will have to fight and disable the ship's engines. When available, dock and board the ship.
4. Find Captain Petrov
I've made it aboard the Scow. Time to find Captain Petrov.
You need to get to the front of the ship where the captain's cabin is located. On the way you will be hooked by Tao Xun.
If you got on board in a peaceful manner then what you tell him does not matter. You can even ignore him and move on.
If you destroyed the ship's engines to get on board then you can try to persuade him so that he and other soldiers do not shoot at you.
If you don't know which way to go then you can use your scanner to show you the way.
Eventually you will reach the cabin where the captain is staying and you will be able to talk to him.
5. Access Petrov's Vault
I need to find a way into Petrov's vault, where he's keeping the Artifact. If I can't persuade him to let me in, I might have to break in, or fight Petrov until he surrenders.
Talk to Petrov. The easiest and effective way to get him to show you the artifact will be to use Barrett's dialogue option. You can also take a chance and try to persuade him to do it yourself. You can also attack him. If you fail to persuade him, the game will suggest other options such as: Pickpocket the Key to the Vault, Pick the Vault Door Lock, or Fight Petrov.
6. Follow Petrov
I've talked Petrov into letting me see the vault. I should follow him.
Follow Petrov. He will lead you to the vault, open it and show you the artifact. Unfortunately, you won't be able to verbally convince him in any way to give you the artifact so you'll have no choice but to steal it.
7. Steal the Artifact
Just take the artifact. Be aware that picking up the Artifact will add 500 Bounty to United Colonies.
8. Leave the Scow / (Optional) Use a Cutter on the Four Bolts
I have the Artifact. Time to leave the Scow.
You need to get back to your ship. To do this, you can start shooting at Petrov to deplete his health. You will then be able to tell him to call off his guards. This will allow you to simply leave the ship. You have to be quick with this because Petrov will start running away after you take the artifact.
In case Petrov escaped, in order to skip a large part of the ship and the guards who are there, you can also use a shortcut hidden behind the red wall. To open the passage, destroy, preferably using a cutter, 4 yellow pins. This way will significantly shorten your path to the exit.
9. Add the Artifact to the Collection
I should return to the Lodge and add the Artifact to the collection.
To avoid the problems of having a bounty set on you, travel directly to the Lodge. Put the artifact together with the others. This mission will end, you will receive 825 XP and the next main mission will begin.
I got the Artifact from Captain Petrov, but something is wrong in the Lodge. I should see what's happening.